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As a kid, I was always doing A LOT.

Every day after school was another extracurricular… from swimming to ballet to karate to piano to ballroom to cross country running to art to gymnastics to even chess club... oh, and throw homework and a social life on top of that.

Despite the busy-ness, I LOVED that I could fulfill my love for learning, explore my curiosities, connect with different people, but most of all…

I loved that I could express all the different pieces of myself, and live authentically & in integrity with who I was.


…until I couldn’t anymore
. Halfway through high school, I was convinced by my (well-meaning) parents that it was time to put my hope, optimism & big dreams behind me and replace it with “realism” & “stability”, and so…

my creative light went out.

I had officially outsourced my power, life direction and trust to people who thought they knew more about my path in this world than I did.

Years went by, and it was only when panic attacks and continuous “failures” began to plague my life that I tried to grasp for a sense of control again. I needed to get intentional about designing a life that felt truly aligned to me.

I switched university majors. I switched jobs. I switched industries, and even entire career paths.

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 My adventures eventually lead to offering productivity coaching in 2019…

(after all, a lifetime of busy schedules developed some great time management skills!)

…and over the next two years I built programs, coached clients, and invested in numerous programs to build my business. Some things led to more success than others, but eventually I began to wonder…

why am I STILL lost, confused, and unsure about how to move forward?

I thought starting a business meant taking charge of my life. #GirlBoss and whatever… right?


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It wasn’t until I stumbled upon breathwork in 2021 that I started to see how I was still letting others tell me what I should want, and how I should go about getting it.

I continued to find & create support for myself through a combination of coaching, breathwork, yoga, therapy and allowing myself to explore my curiosities again, and eventually…

I learned to tap back into my authentic self-expression, embrace my multi-passionate nature, and trust my inner voice above anyone else.

It was (and still is, and always will be) a journey… of self love, of trust & confidence, of empowerment & honesty, & more.


whether you’ve felt lost and disconnected for 1 year or 10+ years like I was, I promise you:

it’s never too late to come back home to yourself.

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A 1-on-1 container for diving deep.


Learn + grow in community with others.


Bite-sized +
on-demand experiences.

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