5 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism

5 Ways to Overcome Perfectionism | ElenaHartung.com.png

Raise your hand if you’ve ever felt like no matter how hard you try, or how much you work on something, it’s just never quiiiite good enough.

Me too 🙋🙋

Perfectionism sucks, plain and simple. It keeps you back from getting started, from finally putting yourself out there, from sharing your gifts… and, it makes you feel like you’re never enough. Ouch.

While I used to be the kind of person who would spend hours “perfecting” one graphic on Canva, or work on a project for weeks (only for it to never see the light of day), I’ve thankfully finally managed to get to a point where, at least in my business, perfectionism no longer holds me back. 

Is everything I put out up to the level of perfection I used to expect of myself? Absolutely not, and that’s the point! Finding that in-between space that feels “good enough” to get the job done, and accepting that reality in this moment is what it’s all about. To be clear, that doesn’t mean we lower our standards. I am all too aware of the ways I can improve different parts of how I show up, in my business or in my personal life, and I continue to work on those things.

But, I no longer suffer through the guilt, shame and criticism I used to subject myself to. Because of that, I make more progress consistently and learn more than I ever would by trying to perfect every little piece of the puzzle.

The big question is, of course, how did I get there? How did I get to a point where I can let go and free myself from the suffocating grasp of perfectionism?

Changes like this are so gradual that you can get to a point where it feels like it “just happened”. But that’s not the full story, is it? There was no single, defining moment, but once I reflected on how these shifts happened within me, I realized that there were 5 things that pushed forward my progress in overcoming perfectionism. Today, I want to share them with you in hopes that you can also kick-start your journey and find the freedom and joy that comes along with it!

1. Try new things

Guess what typically happens when you try something completely new for the first time? You probably absolutely suck at it. It’s messy, it’s sloppy, it’s facepalm-inducing. It’s embarrassing and hilarious all at the same time. It’s 100% imperfect. 

I’m sure it comes as no surprise that getting comfortable with imperfection, and accepting yourself as imperfect without harsh judgement, is one of the most important steps to overcoming perfectionism. Trying something new is a great way to do this! Whether it's trying a new sport, learning to play an instrument or speak a new language, being a beginner at something will help you take things lightly and reframe the way you approach ‘failure’ and imperfection. Plus, it’s super fun!

2. Do small things imperfectly… on purpose

Similar to #1 above, this tip is about getting comfortable with imperfection and learning to let things be as they are. A friend once told me that after buying a new paper planner, she was encouraged to write her name as messy as possible on the front page, and I loved that idea! Why not apply this to other parts of your life, too? Find small things that will ultimately have no real effect on your life or business, and then purposefully do them imperfectly. Give your messy handwriting free reign.

3. Connect with like-minded people

On a logical level, we all know that no one’s perfect. No matter what their Instagram feed looks like, or how many 6-figure launches they have, there’s always something hidden behind the scenes that looks a lot less flashy and fun. It’s not something most people will publicly share online, at least not while they’re in the middle of it. But, there are certain groups and communities you can join that are full of people just like you, who are willing to open up and be vulnerable about their struggles. 

Connecting with like-minded people in an inclusive, judgement-free space always does wonders for reminding me that underneath it all, we’re all facing the same things - like perfectionism! Whether it’s in person or online, find a group you feel comfortable in and realize that you’re not alone in this.

Psst - Looking for a community where you can connect with other women looking to improve their productivity? Join us over in the Productive Lifestyle Design Facebook group! We’re super nice, and not afraid to get real and raw about these things!

4. Keep the bigger picture in mind

Being aware of your perspective is HUGE. Like, earth-shattering. There are so many moments where, once I guide my coaching clients to see the bigger picture, some deep and meaningful breakthroughs happen!

More often than not, we’re caught up in the details of perfection, when what we really need is a birds-eye view. Find a way to remind yourself of the bigger picture as often as possible. Recognize that in the grand scheme of things, even an entire year is just a fraction of your whole story. Remember that your value as a human being comes from so much more than just your business and the work you do. That thing you’re stressing about right now? It probably won’t matter so much in 5 or 10 years. Big-picture perspective can bring so much calm and comfort, so make sure to return to it regularly to keep things in check.

5. Embrace self-love

Mmmm, and here it is. The answer to so many of our internal struggles - self-love. It’s as simple as asking “Would I expect my best friend to be perfect in everything she does?”. Chances are, the answer is no (and if it’s not, then go easier on your friend!). So why do we place these unrealistic expectations on ourselves?

As the quote by Sophie Bush goes,

“You are allowed to be both a masterpiece and a work in progress simultaneously.”

We can be ambitious, and also content with where we’re at. We can be proud of ourselves, and also see room for improvement. We can love ourselves as we are, and continue to strive for growth. 

Do that. Be that. Start your self-love journey, and watch perfectionism (and many other things!) slowly fade away into your past.

That’s all for today - I hope you’ve found this helpful! Letting go of perfectionism is truly a lifelong journey, so be easy on yourself as you take your first baby steps in this direction. 

For more great tips, tricks and relatable stories, join me over on Instagram!

Until next time,
